According to the North American Menopause Society, almost 44% of post-menopausal women in America are obese or overweight. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) at Plano The Riegel Center can help you maintain a healthy weight. During menopause, you can gain undesired weight because of abnormal fluctuations in reproductive hormone levels.
Besides weight gain, you will also experience other symptoms, including rapid mood swings, sleep disturbance, and hot flashes during menopause. HRT can help relieve the symptoms usually produced because of perimenopause or menopause.
Hormone replacement treatment functions by boosting the levels of hormones that are inadequately produced in your body. The estrogen and progesterone hormones are the ones your body secretes less during menopause. Below are ways HRT can help keep your weight below obese or overweight levels.
1. It can improve the composition of the body
The low levels of reproductive hormones during menopause can impact how fat storage and distribution occurs in your body. You will gain more fat during menopause, especially around the abdominal region.
Apart from the decline in estrogen levels, the fat gain during menopause could also result from aging-induced muscle tissue loss.
Since hormone replacement therapy increases your estrogen to normal levels, changes in your body’s healthy composition are discouraged.
Unhealthy body fat levels can lead to serious conditions such as impaired insulin sensitivity. Impaired insulin sensitivity is characterized by the inability of your body to react to insulin normally and regulate the bloodstream sugar levels. Consequently, diabetes can be triggered.
2. It can boost the rate of metabolism
Metabolism is a complex chemical reaction leading to the conversion of food in your body into a source of energy. Your body requires the energy sourced from metabolism to smoothly operate various functions of the body, including movement and growth.
Research has established that during menopause, often, the rate of metabolism decreases. That is primarily due to the declining estrogen levels. The reduced rate of metabolism will lead to weight gain.
Your healthcare giver might recommend HRT if you cannot reverse the slow metabolism rate through physical activity or healthy eating.
Since hormone replacement therapy boosts estrogen levels, your body will not suffer negative metabolism changes caused by menopause. Moreover, if you have benefitted from HRT, losing weight is even easier if you are regularly physically active.
3. It can help fight off fatigue
When in the menopausal stage, you will often feel tired. Because of the constant body exhaustion, you might consume more unhealthy foods and avoid beneficial workout routines like walking and push-ups. As a result, your body will accumulate more fat.
However, undergoing HRT can promote higher levels of body energy. Because you feel stronger, you will have a stronger appetite to exercise or participate in physical activities regularly.
Adequate physical activity daily and healthy eating frequently can help you avoid undesired weight gain. Remember also that HRT can improve your mood and quality of sleep and alleviate depression, which promotes a healthy weight.
Contact The Riegel Center today to schedule an appointment with a doctor providing bioidentical hormone replacement therapies.