Productivity: Digital pioneers reveal their life hacks and time-wasters. To-dos galore – but head full of question marks? With a few tips, productivity can return. So you will have enough time to play Vave login. Tasks piling up, but your brain is mentally at the beach or on the ski slopes? With several tips, productivity could come back. We all want it, but don’t always have it: productivity at work. We look enviously at those who seem to always display it – for example, some digital pioneers. How do they work? And how can you pick what would work for you?
Questions about their day-to-day work are answered here. In the “Through the day with” format, Digital Pioneers tell us their productivity killers and their hacks for being productive at work. Some experts from different fields give us their best tips to become successful and increase productivity
According to one of our experts, Anne Kjær Bathel, who founded the nonprofit technology school Redi School of Digital Integration in 2015.
Anne Kjær Bathel, Redi School of Digital Integration said meetings that are not led by a facilitator and where a clear purpose is not agreed upon in advance tend to be inefficient. And I can get very impatient if no one takes the lead. I strongly believe that everyone can and should be empowered to take a leadership role.
Thomas Zimmermann from Free Now shared that Unstructured meetings and too many notifications on my desktop. I think it’s important to define a clear agenda and clear decisions and next steps for all meetings. I only actively check communication tools like email or Slack and otherwise have them muted so I can fully focus on my topics – ‘Multitasking is a lie’.
Michael Martens from Fairlanguage, on the other hand, said that when he feels like doing something, there’s hardly anything that can stop him. When he’s less enthusiastic about something, his ADHD strikes mercilessly and pretty much everything else is up first. The only thing that helps is a target date, and he does it five to one.
Philipp Steuer, the Youtube creator also explained a missing weekly schedule. When briefings are inaccurate or info is missing. Unannounced calls. And of course, if anything doesn’t go as planned, he has a very hard time getting back into the flow.
Anne Kjær Bathel, Redi School of Digital Integration recommended Daily journaling for meta-perspective and the six-point to-do list with small, achievable tasks to build momentum and impact.
Thomas Zimmermann, Free Now, clarified that, for one thing, having a central place for all the day’s to-dos helps me stay on top of things. He is also a big fan of meticulously maintained calendar entries. They should map all the meetings of the day and corresponding blockers for concentrated work on the to-dos.”
Michael Martens, Fairlanguage, explained that he sits down at the beginning of the workday and makes a list of the two to four most important things for the day. He then shares this with the team in Slack and checks it off throughout the day.
Philipp Steuer, Youtube creator noted, a flexible weekly schedule helps. Prioritize and bring forward very clear tasks that are important. In the current phase, it’s not only dependent on classic deadlines, but also on when his son is awake, asleep or at grandma’s house. Then he tries to work through as much as possible in a short time. That works with monotonous work, but often not (yet) with creative work.
There are plenty of gadgets and applications that might help you in increasing your productivity. So you will get a better overview of your weekly plan and your to dos for the next time. It is also better to get up in the morning earlier and start your day with your least favorite task. Then you do not have to think about this the entire day. You can cross it off your list first.