Although we go daily to work there are some things that we need to change. To improve your results and have more time to enjoy Not only will you improve your life but also you will make it easier for your colleagues. This will also calm the atmosphere in the office. So take your time to read the following tips and tricks. There are many things to learn.
Surprise your employees
The uncreative and inflexible bunch doesn’t want any change anyway, so plan all steps of the company reorganization as quietly as possible with two or three confidants. If something leaks out, it will only be talked to in pieces anyway. Plan everything as concretely as possible – which departments will be merged, what needs to be saved, how many employees will have to leave. Don’t talk to anyone until you announce everything on Day X. Then ignore the horrified faces, that only confirms how haphazard the flock of sheep is.
Resistance must be broken
Criticism or suggestions for changes to the new company concept, even from your deputies, are best brusquely brushed aside. Very important: Don’t differentiate, get emotional and personal right away. For example, “Are you for me or against me?” or “If none of this suits you, you’re welcome to leave.” “I’ve always supported you and now you’re stabbing me in the back?” Avoid discussions, it only stops you.
Communicating is pointless
Communicate as impersonally as possible, send concepts, plans and instructions to the team preferably by mail. But not too often! Information about the status of the process is best given irregularly, only every few weeks via change newsletter. Also good: garnish this with pseudo-facing statements like, “My door is always open.” (But not to everyone!) “We want to bring everyone along in the process here.” (We make very short work of the complainers).
Talking too much only stops you
“Hmmm, yes thanks, I’ll have to think about that first …” Any change is guaranteed to peter out if no one makes decisions. So, also an effective possibility: take every employee statement, every resistance, every criticism exaggeratedly seriously, let yourself be completely unsettled and question the chosen path yourself again and again. In this way, any will to change is anesthetized in a wadded cloud.
Eyes closed and through
Every change needs reliable test loops. Are we still on the right track? Has the market changed? What do our customers want right now? Is the new product really coherent? Enough of that! Make a plan and follow it through as hard as nails. Don’t look left or right, just follow an idea. Nokia didn’t let itself be thrown off its game by the fact that Apple is developing the iPhone. And look where they are now!
Think big. Too big.
Don’t get bogged down in the minutia, don’t care about quick wins! Forget about “quick wins”, “low hanging fruits” or whatever the whole nonsense is called. The only thing that matters is the big goal, and until that is achieved, everyone should pull themselves together for one to six years. If you want to move from Dortmund to Berlin, you don’t celebrate a welcome party when you arrive in Hamm. Stagnation is regression, so drive the workforce into the next change process without pausing for breath.
Rejoice too soon!
Of course, there is another way: You can also celebrate your own genius at the first visible success and throw a huge party for the employees – with the signal: ‘We are the best, we have made it! Our rubber boots are now light blue instead of dark green.’ The message behind this is: You can now sit back again, the market will overtake us. If comfort becomes widespread again, there’s a good chance your store will be in the toilet for years to come.