Exercise bike is a popular home exercise equipment. Let’s see why it’s good, what its disadvantages are, and how it helps with weight loss.
Modern people often have free time only in the evening. When it’s already dark outside, a long day of work is behind you, and you still have to get to the fitness club. If you no longer have the strength to do this, a home exercise machine will help strengthen your muscles and burn calories.
Pros of an Exercise Bike for Women
Exercising on it strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and develops overall endurance. Plus, it’s an effective way to create a calorie deficit and improve your fitness. In addition, an exercise bike is smaller in size than a treadmill or ellipsoid, making it easier for it to find a place in the apartment. And finally, it makes it possible to train for pain in the knee joints and spine, since there is no compression load on them during exercise.
Advantages of Training
Home cycling helps you burn calories while toning your legs and buttocks. If you get less energy from food than you expend during the day, you can lose weight.
This is cardio training that develops endurance, strengthens the heart and the walls of blood vessels. Helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, increases tissue sensitivity to glucose.
Exercise activates blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and metabolism. Thus, they fight cellulite and swelling.
Injuries are unlikely: movements are safe, the structure is motionless, unlike a regular bicycle.
There is no shock load on the spine, as when running. The body does not press on the knee, hip, and ankle joints from above with its weight.
The unit is used for recovery from injuries, treatment and even knee replacement. With low resistance, it strengthens the muscles with virtually no stress on the joints.
You can pedal and at the same time watch a movie, listen to music, or an audiobook on headphones. Or even play at Vave Casino, your favorite online casino.
Disadvantages of Training
One of the disadvantages is the lack of work of the muscles of the upper body. Because of this, energy consumption here is less than when running or walking.
The monotony of activities can quickly become boring. The remaining disadvantages are not difficult to level out: it is enough to train after cycling fitness or before it with weights on the back, shoulder girdle, chest, and arms.
And one more nuisance: an uncomfortable fit can cause back pain, and the saddle can cause chafing in the perineum. It is necessary to adjust the height of the saddle, and ideally also the handlebar, so as not to reach for it and twist the spine. The saddle can be changed or covered with a soft gel or other pad.
How Does an Exercise Bike Help You Lose Weight?
To lose weight, you need an energy deficit of 200-500 kcal per day. In other words, you need to eat less than you spend. Then fat deposits will be included in the metabolism to produce energy.
To create such a deficit, you need to adjust your diet and increase your calorie expenditure. Working out on an exercise bike will help you burn from 100 to 400 kcal, depending on the duration and intensity of the session.