How to turn very dry skin into well-hydrated skin? First, stop making these mistakes, and then improve your daily care!
The health of the entire body largely depends on the skin condition, and therefore it is so important to properly care for it.
What mistakes in winter care cause your skin to lose moisture and age faster?
Do Not Change Your Care Routine
With the onset of winter, we change our wardrobe, giving preference to warmer and more comfortable things. The skin also needs other care products.
In the winter, you should use thicker, nourishing products, non comedogenic oils, and emollient products with ceramides, hyaluronic acid, shea butter, glycerin, and even petroleum jelly. These components will help prevent winter dryness, irritation and flaking, eliminate itching and restore the freshness and radiance of hydrated skin.
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Experiment With Cosmetics
During the cold season, the skin experiences terrible stress due to constant temperature changes, humidity outside and dry air at home; its sensitivity often increases. Lack of properly selected care can lead to increased dryness, flaking, a feeling of tightness, and signs of premature aging. Therefore, it is important to select care individually.
You should not experiment by trying new products or buying the same cream as your mother or friend.
Aggressively Cleanse the Skin
Improper cleansing of the skin can also cause dryness. The stores offer a large number of cleansers: foams, gels, hydrophilic oils, micellar water and others. For some, using gels is suitable, for others – oils. And for some people it will be better to cleanse their facial skin without water.
It is very important to choose the right care that suits your skin. It’s better to do this in a cosmetologist’s office and try several suggested options.
Advice! If, despite all your efforts, your skin looks dull and tired, reconsider your sleep and wakefulness routine! Loss of skin turgor, dark circles under the eyes and a sharper wrinkle pattern can be a consequence of regular lack of sleep.
Partially With Peeling
Winter is considered the ideal time for peeling – the sun is not active and you can safely use any acids. In the fight against pigmentation and photoaging, scrubs with mechanical particles (for example, synthetic balls) and peelings with chemicals (retinol and AHA acids) are used. If used incorrectly, they can cause redness, dryness and irritation of the skin.
The expert advises using a scrub no more than once a week, and using products with acids and retinol several times a week according to a cosmetologist’s regimen. When the skin adapts, it will stop becoming inflamed and red, and the dryness will disappear.
Use Alcohol-Based Products
It’s no secret that alcohol dries out the skin. However, it is often found in cosmetics. Study the label. The more of a particular component is in a product, the higher it is in the list of ingredients. Alcohol-based skincare products are not suitable for winter.
However, you don’t need to be completely afraid of alcohol either. They can be used to stabilize cosmetic formulations. For example, in decorative cosmetics they ensure the durability of the product. In this case, alcohol may be at the top of the list of components. To avoid drying out your skin, do not use such products on an ongoing basis.”
Apply Tone to Peeling Areas
During the cold winter months, skin often becomes flaky, and many women cover it up with foundation. But if you apply the foundation directly to dry skin, it will cause even more dryness and flaking!
To avoid this, pre-apply a moisturizing serum, lotion, or light moisturizer to your skin.
Advice! Limit your coffee consumption! Entering the body in large quantities, caffeine dehydrates it, including the skin.
In the cold season, you should limit yourself to 2-3 cups of coffee per day and focus on green tea. Due to the content of antioxidants in the composition, it improves the condition of the skin and prolongs its freshness and youth.
Take a Hot Shower
In the cold, a hot shower seems like a salvation for those who are cold, run too fast or very tired. It warms and brings the desired relaxation. But at the same time it can harm the skin.
This is one of the worst things you can do for your skin in the winter. Hot water washes away the natural oils that the skin produces for lubrication and protection. Therefore, after taking a shower, it dries and tightens.
The optimal temperature for taking a bath or shower is up to 40 degrees Celsius. When this limit is exceeded, not only the skin, but also the heart and blood vessels suffer, experiencing overload.